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Kelly and Papa Talk About Jesus

Exposes the child and the reader to a clear and accurate Gospel presentation

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PAPA, LET'S TALK, is a story about sharing the salvation message of Jesus Christ with children. Kelly asks her grandfather, whom she calls Papa, to tell her about Jesus, and so he explains to her the saving Gospel of Christ found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Using family photos from the author and clever strategies to depict the elements of the Gospel, PAPA, LET'S TALK is a unique book that can be used with pre-school and grade school children alike.


PAPA, LET'S TALK encourages parents, teachers, and other caregivers to use an accurate Gospel message with children. It also encourages the memorization of Bible verses in order to teach children biblical truth when they are best able to do so. Children have an extraordinary ability to memorize the Bible. They have the additional advantage of not having been exposed to false religion and worldly philosophies and will, therefore, believe what they are taught.


The doctrine learned by children early in life can be used by the Holy Spirit to help them all of their lives. The authors' experience with the children in their own lives showed them that as soon as children could speak, they could learn scripture at the highest reading level, enabling them the enormous advantage of being able to easily read any Bible translation later in life. 


PAPA, LET'S TALK is popular for VBS, outreach events, Sunday school, child care, new member packets and other events where children are present. It has the added advantage of providing a clear Gospel explanation to the person who reads it to the child!

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